1″ Bore 40 Series Torque Converter Driver Pulley, Fits 8-18 hp Engines, Replaces Comet 40D or 40/44 Series Pulleys 203015, for Go Kart and Golf Cart Belt Drives

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1″ Bore 40 Series Torque Converter Driver Pulley, Fits 8-18 hp Engines, Replaces Comet 40D or 40/44 Series Pulleys 203015, for Go Kart and Golf Cart Belt Drives

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40 series torque converter driver clutch replaces Comet 40 Series Torq-A-Verter models 209133A, 209133, 2432, 203015A, 203015. It is also is a replacement for Kenbar 400-001, Brister, Cartco, Yerf Dog, Manco, Carter Brothers, Cushman Scooters, and more
Symmetrical belt inline small engine clutch that fits 1 inch Engine Shafts: Requires a 7/8 inch width Symmetrical Belt
Works with 8 – 18 HP engines – Engine Engagement 1600 – 3300 RPM
Comet 40 Series Torq-A-Verter
Great for Go Karts and Golf Carts
1″ torque converter driver replaces Comet 40 Series Torq-A-Verter models 203015A, 203015. It is also is a replacement for Kenbar 400-001, Brister, Cartco, Yerf Dog, Manco, Carter Brothers, Cushman Scooters, and more
1″ 40 series torque converter driver is a symmetrical inline small engine clutch that replaces Comet 40/44 Series Torq-A-Verter models 203015A, 203015, and works with 8 – 18 hp engines within the 1600 – 3300 RPM range. This clutch will help you get more power of your small engine by reducing engine load with nearly a 10 – 1 overdirve. A torque converter acts similar to a transmission providing higher speeds, and smoother acceleration. The 40/44 series is heavily used in three wheelers, ATV’s, LTV’s, go karts, and other transportation vehicles. Commercial uses include oil well pumps, tractors, tillers, lawnmowers, construction, and industrial equipment.
This torque converter fits 8 – 18 hp engines with a 1″ shaft,1/4″ keyway, and tapped end.
Engine compatability:
Torque Converter is compatible on most engine with horizontal shaft.
Drive clutch bore: 1″
Belt: Symmetrical type
Engagement range: 1600 – 3300 RPM
Recommended engine: 8HP – 18HP engine, 1″shaft with 1/4″ flat key way
The Torque Converter assembly includes:
Driver Unit:1set
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